Today I'm delighted to bring the energy and pizzazz of the treasure that is Claire from Happy Earth Place,
I've had the pleasure of knowing Claire and supplying her with Bodylushious products since 2019 when Happy Earth Place first opened its doors. We've become pals and we love a good natter, a laugh and setting the world right. I've said it before and I'll say it again, connection is so important to me, so working with a stockist like Claire ticks all the boxes for the type of business I love working work.
What is it about Movement that matters to you?
From the topics you presented me, I chose movement because I have both danced and moved my body in various other ways to improve my health and my health and wellbeing over my lifetime. I danced from the age of 4 up until I was 19 a few nights a week, and whilst I enjoyed all types of dance, I particularly excelled in modern tap dancing and Jazz. I went back to tap dancing as an adult but couldn't find a suitable class. Dancing went on hold and I found the gym, group cardio and then more recently weight-lifting.
I now have gone back to dancing at Fife Academy of Performing Arts and Lift weights at Aeternum Powerlifting with Joe Finnie as a personal instructor. Both of these hobbies keep me fit and are great for my mental health and certainly staying strong helps with all the moving and handling I do at work. What a win!
My fave types of music and what I listen to to move are entirely different!
"Give a Little" by Hanson, yes I'm a super-fan, and yes I'm out and proud, is a great fun track. Can't fail to get you up and moving, the video will inspire you if you're not feeling it.
I listen to a lot of pumped up rubbish when I'm lifting or firing out my cardio that I won't bore you all with but I'm also a big fan of Bruce Springsteen and I love a dance to "Rosalita", which is older than me, but a great track!

Pride month is important to me and my family for loads of different reasons. Firstly, it's always been part of my make-up to like people based on their personality and not their preferences, style, gender, music interests etc. Take my husband for instance....if I'd had to swipe him on an app based on our joint-interests we would never have met, we have very few pass-times in common. We do, however share a liberal outlook on life, an interest in different cultures and a strong moral code which had us chatting in the early days.

I believe everyone has the right to be as they are naturally, without fear or prejudice, as long as they aren't damaging others in the process. We have many,
many single sex friends and family members and have both in our jobs supported young people to come out and through gender transition. There's nothing like seeing, first hand the damaging effects that throw away comments and hate speech cause to humans. It's truly heartbreaking.
We take our kids to Pride every year, we feel like it's the right thing to do, to bring children up without prejudice, and to not just accept but celebrate diversity and equality. A step further is to bring up our children, and ourselves to challenge hate and to support people who feel marginalized at any cost.
We walk a lot as a family with the dogs and we just like to be outside, anywhere
I live in a house with three males, (that wasn't in my plan!!!)...aged 5 to 34. Each can proudly discuss their reasons for identifying as feminists and supporters of equality, same as me. I'm super proud of this and I hope that my boys are able to carry this into adulthood and treat their partners/friends or family with the same respect and dignity they show me as a mother, wife and woman.
Thank you for the opportunity to share some of the 'important-to-me' matters here.
xx Claire
#pride #gay #lgbt #lgbtq #loveislove #love #pridemonth #lesbian #instagay #queer #gaypride #bisexual #gayboy #trans #transgender #instagood #follow #like #instagram #lgbtqia #dragqueen #lovewins #rainbow #art #lgbtpride #gayman #photography #gaylove #nonbinary #bhfyp#equality #movement #weightlifting #jazz #family #males #females